
Late Shri Purushottam Govind Perlekar’s —“Sankalan”75

क़ासिद के आने तक ख़त एक और लिख रखूं, हमें मालूम है क्या लिखेंगे जवाब में वो.   खुदा करे मोहब्बत में वो मक़ाम आये, किसी का नाम लूँ,लब पर तुम्हारा नाम आये.   देखिएगा सम्हल के आईना, सामना आज है मुकाबिल का.   यह बाज़ी मोहब्बत की बाज़ी है नादाँ , इसे जीतना है… Continue reading Late Shri Purushottam Govind Perlekar’s —“Sankalan”75


Late Shri Purushottam Govind Perlekar’s —“Sankalan”74

“जौक” की शायरी—   दौलत मिली है इश्क की,अब और क्या मिले, वह चीज मिल गयी है,जिससे खुदा मिले.   दम आ चुका है लबों पर,आँखों में इंतजार, बेदर्द जल्द आ ,कि नहीं वक़्त देर का.   तुम आ सको तो शब को और बढ़ा दूँ,  अपने कहे में सुबह का तारा है इन दिनों.… Continue reading Late Shri Purushottam Govind Perlekar’s —“Sankalan”74


Late Shri Purushottam Govind Perlekar’s —“Sankalan”73

Women are shadows ,chase them and they will run away,,Run away from them,and they will follow you. Oh ! what a tangled web we weave,when we first practise to deceive.—–Shakespeare—- Be frank and yet reserved. The world is too much with us.—-Words Worth——— To have respect for ourselves,guide our morals. And to have a difference for… Continue reading Late Shri Purushottam Govind Perlekar’s —“Sankalan”73

Grandma's stories

Grandma’s stories—67 Hospitality

In Rampur there lived a man named Durgadas.He was quite rich farmer.He used to welcome guests.He was thinking that he was the best in Hospitality in his state.People,who stayed with him,used to praise him.One day a man named Gopal came and stayed there for three days.Durgadas provided him good food.While he was going,he said”Thank you… Continue reading Grandma’s stories—67 Hospitality

Grandma's stories

Grandma’s stories—66 Magic of Mahaveer

Once Teerthankar Lord Mahaveer reached outer part of a village.Village People came there to listen his preachings.In the evening ,Lord Mahaveer asked them to go back home.All stood up except one.Lord Mahaveer asked him “Why don’t you go home?”He said”Please don’t stay here,come with us to the village”Other People also supported him.Lord Mahaveer asked “Why?”They replied”There is a badman named… Continue reading Grandma’s stories—66 Magic of Mahaveer